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LET Reviewer: Technology and Livelihood Education Part 5
TLE Part 5
1. Fifty millimeters length of a piece of lumber is how many decimeters?
A. 5
B. 0.05
C. 0.005
D. 0.5
2. How tall is a ten – meter building in inches?
A. 3.937
B. 39.37
C. 393.7
D. 3,937
3. A carpenter wants to measure long distances. Which tool is appropriate?
A. Ruler
B. level
C. Plum bob
D. pull push rule
4. A carpenter wants to mark very rough objects. Which tool is appropriate?
A. Chalk line
B. extension rule
C. level
D. border line
5. A carpenter wants to obtain vertical line. Which tool is appropriate?
A. Ruler
B. level
C. Plum bob
D. pull push rule
6. A carpenter wants to cut lumber across the grain. Which tool is appropriate?
A. crosscut saw
B. Rip cut saw
C. back saw
D. hack saw
7. A carpenter wants to fasten and remove nails. Which tool is appropriate?
A. hammer
B. Ball-pen hammer
C. Claw hammer
D. sledge hammer
8. A carpenter wants to smoothen wood surface. Which tool is appropriate?
A. File
B. sand paper
C. back saw
D. Plane
9. A mason wants to create a smooth finish of concrete after floating. Which tool is appropriate?
A. brick hammer
B. concrete trowel
C. plane
D. float
10. A mason wants to set or cut brick, block or stone. Which tool is appropriate?
A. claw hammer
B. Crandall
C. Mason’s hammer
D. star drill
11. A mason wants to repair mortar joints. Which tool is appropriate?
A. pointing trowel
B. Crandall
C. Cold chisel
D. Concrete towel
12. A mason wants to mix and move mortar in brick laying. Which tool is appropriate?
A. pointing trowel
B. Crandall
C. Cold chisel
D. brick towel
13. A mason wants to mix concrete. Which tool is appropriate?
A. Shovel
B. buttering
C. Trowel
D. Float
14. A mason lays bricks. Which tool holds the mortar?
A. shovel
B. hawk
C. trowel
D. float
15. Which is flat with handle at the back usually made of wood?
A. Shovel
B. buttering
C. Trowel
D. Float
16. Which tool is used in shaping and forming concrete edges?
A. Shovel
B. buttering
C. edger
D. float
17. A mason wants to mix concrete for column and slab. Which mixture is appropriate?
A. 1 : 2 : 4
B. 1 : 1 ½ : 3
C. 1 : 2 ½ : 5
D. 1 : 3 : 6
18. A mason wants to mix class B mixture. Which mixture is correct?
A. 1 : 2 : 4
B. 1 : 1 ½ : 3
C. 1 : 2 ½ : 5
D. 1 : 3 : 6
19. A mason wants to mix concrete for a slab in the ground. Which mixture is appropriate?
A. 1 : 2 : 4
B. 1 : 1 ½ : 3
C. 1 : 2 ½ : 5
D. 1 : 3 : 6
20. A mason wants to mix concrete for hollow block filler. Which mixture is appropriate?
A. 1 : 2 : 4
B. 1 : 1 ½ : 3
C. 1 : 2 ½ : 5
D. 1 : 3 : 6
21. A plumber wants lighten and loosen pipe. Which tool is appropriate?
A. pipe cutter
B. flux
C. pipe wrench
D. butane torch
22. A plumber wants to cut metal pipe. Which tool is appropriate?
A. hacksaw
B. back saw
C. handsaw
D. dry wall knife
23. Metal with semi rigid auger whose end is usually fitted with a hook or corkscrew is called ___________ .
A. plumber
B. plunger
C. valve
D. bushing
24. If your toilet has trouble you use rubber funnel-shape instrument attached to the end of the handle for unblocking. What is this tool?
A. plumber’s snake
B. vavle
C. Plunger
D. bushing
25. Which plumbing tool is used for gripping large pipes and irregular objects?
A. Monkey wrench
B. Chain wrench
C. Yoke vise
D. Pipe wrench
26. A plumber wants to create thread outside pipe by hand. Which tool is appropriate?
A. pipe cutter
B. pipe threader
C. Yoke vise
D. Pipe wrech
27. A plumber wants to cut pipes. Which holding tool is needed?
A. pipe cutter
B. pipe threader
C. Yoke vise
D. Pipe wrech
28., A plumber wants to hold pipe by hand. What tool is needed?
A. pipe cutter
B. pipe threader
C. Yoke vise
D. Pipe wrech
29. The following are good plumbing practices EXCEPT _________________ .
A. rainwater harvesting
B. water conservation
C. gray water recycling
D. excessive water consumption
30. Water contaminants are being forced back into the water piping system. Which term referred to?
A. Water flow
B. Back flow
C. pressure
D. Harvesting
31. The following are examples of plumbing fixtures EXCEPT ____________ .
A. water closet
B. drainage
C. shower
D. urinals
32. Which statements is NOT true about plumbing standard based on Republic Act 1378 which is known as “Plumbing law”?
A. Each fixture directly connected to the drainage system shall be equipped with water-sealed trap.
B. Plumbing shall b design and adjusted to use the maximum quantity of water consistent with proper performers and cleaning.
C. Water closet must be located in a room which is properly lighted and ventilated
D. No substance which will clog the pipes produce explosive mixtures destroy the pipes or their joints or interfere unduly with the sewage disposal process shall be allowed to enter the building drainage system
33. A compartment that receives solid or liquid waste, located below the normal grade of the gravity system is called ____________.
A. septic
C. trap
D. interpreter
34. Which is true toxic substance?
A. hazardous to human health
B. a fixture drain for a laboratory
C. Not hazardous to human health
D. Bedpan washer and sterilize drain.
35. Water that is safe for drinking, cooking and personal use is ________.
A. potable
B. purified
C. clean
D. healthy
36. Which among best describes a toilet bowl?
A. a room or booth containing a toilet
B. The Box type compartment holding water for flushing the toilet
C. An opening in the wall or ceiling near the fixture that allows access for servicing the plumbing system
D. the device that provides a supply of water and/or its disposal, e.g. sinks tubs, toilets
37. Plumbing ventilation means to ________________________.
A. carry sewer gas out and relieve pressure of the drainage sytem
B. discourage corrosion in drainage piping
C. maintaining the trap seals
D. give pressure different in the public sewer
38. Rainwater from the roof down to the ground passes through what pipe?
A. Down spout
B. Conductors
C. Gutter
D. Vent
39. A pipe that convey only liquid wasted is called ____________.
A. vent pipe
B. soil pipe
C. main pipe
D. waste pipe
40. If you install water supply inside building, what is the diameter of pipes needed?
A. 4 inches
B. 1 inch
C. 0.75 inch
D. 0.5 inch
Customer A is complaining and getting pushy about the pedicure service she received.
41. If you were the pedicurist what would you do?
a. Tell your costumer to look another pedicurist.
b. Refrain from becoming emotional and continue working without being bothered by the complained.
c. Remain cool and calm, pleasant and professional.
d. Ask for an apology, maintain professionalism and ask what she wants.
42. Which of these is the first thing the pedicurist should do to avoid such situation?
a. Be courteous
b. Ask the customer what she wants for her toenails like the shape, color, etc.
c. Decide your own design and styles.
d. Proceed to the service right after customer A says that she wants pedicuring.
43. Which is a NOT desirable quality for effective client relation?
a. Emotional control
b. Positive approach
c. Good manners
d. Discussing personal life
44. Which of the following is NOT true?
a. Cosmetologist is one of the best advertisements for a salon
b. Salon owners and managers do not consider appearance, personality and poise to be as important as technical knowledge and manual skills.
c. The female cosmetologist should wear stylish shoes that fit and are comfortable at the end of a long day.
d. All female stylists should have their hair done at least once a week and their hair should reflect the best workmanship of the salon.
45. The following are guidelines for good human relations and professional attitude EXCEPT one. Which is the exception?
a. Always greet a client by name with pleasant tone of voice.
b. Show interest in the client's personal preferences.
c. Make a good impression by wearing obtrusive jewelry to look at your best.
d. Be ethical in all your dealings with clients and others with whom you come in contract.
Lerisa applied as public teacher. She doesn't have any experience for job interview. Could you please help her decide?
46. What type of clothing will she wear?
a. Casual dress
b. Sunday dress
c. Business Attire
d. Party Dress
47. What type of makeup may she put-on?
a. Corrective makeup
b. Light makeup
c. Heavy makeup
d. Photographic makeup
Miss T was invited as one of the principal sponsor in her best friend's daughter's wedding. She went to a salon to have hairstyle, makeup, manicure and pedicure.
48. Miss T wants a neatly finished up style. Which of the following styles is best suited for her?
a. French Twist hairstyle
b. Laced - Up and Elegant Hairstyle
c. Chignon
d. Petal and blooms hairstyle
49. Which of the following makeup does she need?
a. Day makeup
b. Evening makeup
c. Photographic makeup
d. Theatrical/ Fantasy makeup
50. Miss T has short nails. What nail shape is best for her?
a. Round Nail
b. Oval Nail
c. Square Nail
d. Pointed Nail
Mrs. P just finished her discussion about the equipment, implements, cosmetics and materials in manicuring and pedicuring. She asked her students to classify the following items:
nail brush, cuticle nipper, assorted colored polish, alcohol, chair, finger bowl, cuticle pusher, cotton, top coat, antiseptic solution, cuticle remover, hand towel, manicure pillow, nail file, orange wood stick, nail polish remover, base coat and nail polish remover.
51. Which of these are implements?
a. Chair, manicure pillow and finger bowl
b. Assorted colored polish, tip coat, base coat and cuticle remover
c. Cuticle pusher, nail brush, cuticle nipper, nail file and orange wood stick
d. Cotton, hand towel, antiseptic solution, alcohol and nail polish remover
52. Which of these are cosmetics?
a. Cotton, hand towel, antiseptic solution, alcohol and nail polish remover
b. Top coat, base coat, assorted colored polish and cuticle remover
c. Finger bowl, manicure pillow and chair
d. Orange wood stick, cuticle pusher, cuticle nipper, nail file and nail brush
53. Which of these is equipment?
a. Cuticle remover, base coat, top coat and assorted colored polish
b. Cuticle nipper, nail file, nail brush, orange wood stick and cuticle pusher
c. Hand towel, nail polish remover and antiseptic solution
d. Manicure pillow, chair and finger bowl.
54. Which of these is the correct way to use cuticle nail file?
a. The pointed side is used to push back and moisten the cuticles.
b. The dull spade side is used to scrape and moisten the cuticles.
c. The pointed side is used to push back and remove the cuticles.
d. The dull spade side is used to push back and loosen the cuticles.
55. Which of these is the correct way to use nail brush? Insert the ring finger and pinky in the nail brush handle and brush the nails _____________.
a. with a downward motion form the base to the fingertips to clean.
b. with the sideward motion from the base to the fingertips to clean the nails and fingers.
c. with a upward motion from the base to the fingertips to clean the nails and fingers.
d. with a sawing motion from the base to the fingertips to clean the nails and fingers.
56. Which is created by allowing the nail to grow out straight and then filing the tip straight across the right angles with the rest of the nail plate?
a. Round nail
b. Square nail
c. Pointed nail
d. Oval nail
57. Massage is part of the manicuring and pedicuring services. When is massage applied? Before_______________.
a. removing old polish
b. coloring polish
c. base coat
d. top coat
58. Which of the following is the last step in manicuring/ pedicuring?
a. Apply to coat
b. Clean under free edge
c. Re - examine nails and cuticles
d. Dry fingertips
59. Which of these is an imaginative and artistic process of caring for the nails and top nails, involving special care and expertise for bringing out the best effects?
a. Nail tattoo
b. Nail art
c. Nail extender
d. Nail technician
60. Which of the following statement is correct?
a. Adult fingernails grow at an average rate of 1/8 inch a month
b. Older people nail grow slowly than younger people
c. Fingernails grow more easily than toenails.
d. The rate of nail growth is greatest during winter.
61. In which of pipes does portable water travel?
A. ABS pipes
B. Galvanized Pipes
C. Cast iron pipes
D. PVC pipes (orange)
62. If your water system has leak, where can you shut off the flow of water?
A. Gate valve
B. Galvanized
C. Check valve
D. Angle valve
63. A plumber wants to install a liquid seal to prevent sewer gasses from entering the building. What device is needed?
A. Union
B. Trap
C. Backflow preventer
D. Pump
64. A plumber wants to shut off the flow of water just 90 degrees turn. Which valve is appropriate?
A. Gate valve
B. Globe valve
C. check valve
D. angle valve
65. What do you call those waterproof ribbon for covering threaded pipes joints to prevent leakage?
A. rubber bond
B. masking tape
C. Teflon tape
D. tape
66. In the end of a PVC pipe is fitted with a male adopter, what fitting will be used to stop the flow of the water?
A. Elbow
B. coupling
C. cap
D. Plug
67. How many PVC pipes can installed in a 7.50 meter distance?
A. 2 pcs
B. 2.5 pcs
C. 3 pcs
D. 3.5 pcs
68. If the end of a PVC pipe is fitted with a female adopter, what fitting will be used to stop the flow of water?
A. elbow
B. coupling
C. cap
D. plug
69. A plumber wants to connect two length of pipes. Which fitting is necessary?
A. coupling
B. elbow
C. tee
D. pipe wrench
70. If there is leaking in the water supply of lavatory, sink and water closet, valve are you going to shut off?
A. Gate valve
B. Globe valve
C. Check valve
D. Angle valve
71. If you install a soil pipe, what is the standard pitch or slope?
A. 5%
B. 10%
C. 2%
D. 15
72. If you source of potable water, what is the minimum safe distance from the septic tank?
A. 15 meters
B. 10 meters
C. 5 meters
D. 20 meters
73. No cesspool, septic tank or drain fields shall be located within how many meter radius from the well?
A. 15 meters
B. 10 meters
C. 50 meter
D. 45 meters
74. If you plan to drill for a well that can supply water for public use, what is the minimum meter radius from a well to the residences?
A. 150 meters
B. 100 meters
C. 50 meters
D. 200 meters
75. There should be no concrete sanitary sewer existing within how many meter radius from the well?
A. 15 meter
B. 10 meters
C. 50 meters
D. 45 meters
76. There should be no concrete sanitary sewers existing within how many meters radius from the well?
A. 15 meters
B. 10 meters
C. 50 meters
D. 45 meter
77. The standard length of a PVC pipe is __________ .
A. 12 ft.
B. 2.0 m
C. 50 meters
D. 45 meters
78. If you want to estimate the number of G.I pipes needed from your house to the main supply, what is the length of a G.I pipe that you are going to use?
A. 20.0 m
B. 6 ft.
C. 3.0 m
D. 20 ft
79. If you want to estimate the number of PVC pipes needed from your houses to the main supply, what is the standard length of a PVC. Pipe that you are going to use?
A. 20.0 m
B. 6 ft.
C. 3.0 m
D. 20 ft
80. All plumbing fixtures must have P-trap EXCEPT ____________ .
A. lavatory
B. water closet
C. sink
D. bath tub
81. Which is considered to be the oldest and most commonly used building material?
A. cement
B. wood
C. steel
D. stand
82. Which wood which is obtained from confers and are used for training?
A. hard wood
B. softwood
C. dark wood
D. brown wood
83. Which wood is obtained from deciduous trees?
A. hard wood
B. softwood
C. dark wood
D. brown wood
84. Which is a binding agent that reacts with water to form a hard-stone- like substances?
A. glue
B. cement
C. mortar
D. grout
85. Which term refers to inert material when bound together into a conglomerated mass form concrete?
A. Aggregates
B. Gravel
C. Cement
D. Grout
86. A lumber that has been sawed, edged and trimmed in which cutting marks are visible is _____ .
A. rough
B. smooth
C. dressed
D. worked
87. Which lumber has been put through planning machine which gives fine surface?
A. rough
B. smooth
C. dressed
D. worked
88. Which lumber that has been dressed and matched, ship lapped or patterned?
A. rough
B. smooth
C. dressed
D. worked
89. Which is a plank of wood that has been roughly cut?
A. timber
B. board
C. lumber
D. block
90. Which lumber has been cut from logs radially to the growth rings and the fiber runs about parallel to the face?
A. edge-grain
B. angle-grain
C. flat-grain
D. close-grain
91. Which lumber has been cut tangentially to the growth rings and the fiber runs about 90 degrees to the face?
A. edge-grain
B. angle-grain
C. flat-grain
D. close-grain
92. Which is the art of building with stone, bricks, concrete block or other similar materials?
A. carpentry
B. concrete
C. mortar
D. masonry
93. If you want to go up stairs, which part do you hold on to?
A. handrail
B. Read
C. handle
D. Riser
94. If you want to go up stairs, which part do you step on?
A. handrail
B. Read
C. handle
D. Riser
95. What makes the door swing when close and open it?
A. Door knob
B. Door lock
C. Door shutter
D. Door hinge
96. A carpenter wants to construct a stair, what could be the standard height of the riser?
A. 5-6 inches
B. 6-8 inches
C. 8-10 inches
D. 10-12 inches
97. In masonry works, it is necessary to wear protective equipment except __________ .
A. mask
B. goggles
C. gloves
D. ear muffs
98. In the construction site, what protects the carpenter from failing objects?
A. hat
B. belt and harness
C. helmet
D. shed
99. In the construction site, what protects the carpenter form falling?
A. hat
B. belt and harness
C. helmet
D. shed
100. These are compress baked clay that are processed into workable materials?
A. stone
B. sand
C. bricks
101. Which lumber has wood fiber that are packed closely together?
A. edge-grain
B. angle-grain
C. flat-grain
D. close-grain
102. Which lumber has wood fibers that do not run parallel to the board?
A. edge-grain
B. angle-grain
C. flat-grain
D. close-grain
103. A carpenter makes a pictures frame. Which type of joint is appropriate?
A. dado joint
B. tennon joint
C. lap joint
D. milter joint
104. A carpenter fixes shelves to a bookcase . Which type of joint is appropriate?
A. dado joint
B. tennon joint
C. lap joint
D. milter joint
105. In which joint is the end of one member inserted to the other members?
A. dado joint
B. tennon joint
C. lap joint
D. milter joint
106. Which joint describes the technique for joining two pieces by putting one side over the other?
A. dado joint
B. tennon joint
C. lap joint
D. milter joint
107. Which wood joint describes the technique for joining two pieces by putting one end over the other?
A. dado joint
B. tennon joint
C. lap joint
D. milter joint
108. A carpenter wants to make a dining table. Which joint is appropriate to become rigid and durable?
A. Milter joint
B. Mortise and tennon joint
C. Dado joint
D. Butt joint
109. Which is the simplest type of wood joint?
A. A. dado joint
B. butt joint
C. lap joint
D. milter joint
110. Which wood joint describes the technique for joining two pieces by cutting of45 degrees angle?
A. Rabbet joint
B. Butt joint
C. lap joint
D. milter joint
111. Which wood joint protects the room occupant from seeing outside?
A. Rabbet joint
B. Butt joint
C. Bridle joint
D. Milter joint
112. Which wood joint is used support the middle of a bench?
A. dado joint
B. butt joint
C. bridle joint
D. milter joint
113. Which unit is the basic linear unit of an English system?
A. foot
B. meter
C. yard
D. inch
114. Which unit is the basic linear unit of a metric system?
A. foot
B. meter
C. yard
D. inch
115. If you have two feet length of a piece of wood, how long is it in inches?
A. 25
B. 12
C. 22
D. 24
116. If you have two yards length of piece of wood, how long is it in inches?
A. 82
B. 72
C. 30
D. 64
117. Ten yards length of wood is how many feet?
A. 36
B. 35
C. 30
D. 24
118. One decameter of G.I sheets is how many centimeters?
A. 10
B. 20
C. 100
D. 1,000
119. A 2” x 3” x 12’ lumber is how many board feet?
A. 2
B. 6
C. 8
D. 10
120. Five (5) pcs. Of a 1” x 1’ x 8 lumber is how many board feet?
A. 30 pcs
B. 35 pcs
C. 40 pcs
D. 45 pcs
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