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LET Reviewer: Professional Education Part 8
Professional Education Part 8
1. Which holds true to standardized tests?
A. They are used for comparative purposes
B. They are administered differently
C. They are scored according to different standards
D. They are used for assigning grades
2. A negative discrimination index of a test item tells that particular test item lacks _____.
A. objectivity
B. reliability
C. content validity
D. construct validity
3. In his second item analysis, Teacher H found out that more from the lower group got the test item # 6 correctly. This means that the test item __________.
A. has a negative discriminating power
B. has a lower validity
C. has a positive discriminating power
D. has a high reliability
4. You want ti teach concepts, patterns, and abstractions. Which method is most appropriate?
A. deductive method
B. problem solving
C. direct instruction
D. indirect instruction
5. Which can enhance the development of spatial intelligence?
A. hands-on demonstrations
B. environmental study
C. concept miming
D. concept mapping
6. Which of these is not an indicator of a supportive learning environment?
A. high drop-out rates
B. warm and friendly atmosphere
C. students take personal responsibility for their learning and behavior
D. increase in student bonding activities in school
7. Which of the following statements is/are not true about assessment?
I. Feedback is the most important factor in assessment.
II. Only those that can be objectively measured should be taught.
III. Assessment should follow a developmental pattern.
IV. Identifying systematic errors committed by students should be the basis of remedial instruction.
A. II only
B. IV only
C. III and IV
D. I and II
8. What can the teachers in one school do to maximize their community resources to ensure that effective instruction is employed at all times?
A. Have a learning resource center of materials prepared by teachers.
B. Request the school to purchase materials.
C. Require students to bring materials for their teacher.
D. Let a company/agency sponsor the building of a resource center.
9. In a multiple choice test item with four options and out of 50 examinees, which was the most effective distracter?
A. the correct answer that was chosen by 6 examinees
B. the option that was chosen by 30 examinees
C. the option that was chosen by 2 examinees
D. the option that was chosen by 12 examinees
10. To reduce electronic waste, implement a recycling system. Which belong to an e-waste recycling system?
I. Repair
II. Reuse
III. Upgrading of existing equipment
A. I, II, and III
B. I only
C. I and II
D. II only
11. After scoring, Teacher G got the difference of the highest and lowest scores in each class. What did she compute?
A. standard deviation
B. mean
C. range
D. median
12. Which of the following is NOT an example of a teacher’s nonverbal communication?
A. eye contact
B. gestures
C. pauses
D. voice
13. In the Preamble of the Code of Ethics of Professional Teachers, which is not mentioned about teachers?
A. possess dignity and reputation
B. with high moral values as well as technical and professional competence
C. LET passers
D. duly licensed professionals
14. You want to engage your students in a small group discussions. Which topic lends itself to a lively discussion?
A. the exclusion of Pluto as a planet
B. the meaning of the law of supply and demand
C. the law of inertia
D. rules on subject-verb agreement
15. Teacher X subscribes to the idealist philosophy. This means that the teacher believes that knowledge arrived through ______.
A. trial and error
B. concrete experience
C. experimenting
D. reasoning
16. Analytic scoring uses the _____ judgement of the student's work.
A. evaluation
B. performance
C. standard
D. criterion
17. Teacher N teaches in a remote barrio. In order not to incur salary deduction, she does not file her leave of absence every time she gets absent. Anyway, she uses that amount, which is supposed to be deducted from her salary on account of her absence, to buy pencils and paper for the poor pupils in her class. Is Teacher N right?
A. Yes, the poor students are benefited.
B. No, the end does not justify the means.
C. Yes, the amount is little compared to the millions of pesos stolen by corrupt government officials.
D. Yes, she is not the only one benefited by her actions.
18. According to Piaget's stages of cognitive development, between ages 12 and 15, children reach formal operational stage. What are they capable of doing at this stage?
A. can focus on only one aspect of a situation or event
B. can solve abstract problems and think deductively
C. can reason inductively or deductively
D. can do multi-tasking
19. To enable all students to succeed, two simple approaches you should use are variety and choice. What does this mean?
I. Make use of a variety of teaching methodologies.
II. Consider learning styles and so allow students some options on how to go about assignments.
III. Allow for more flexibility in activities.
IV. Do away with routines, rules, and procedures.
A. I and II
B. I, II, and III
C. II and III
D. I, II, III, and IV
20. Which of the following is true about ICT?
I. The use of ICT has negative effects
II. The use of ICT has a lot of benefits.
III. The use of ICT is effective only in industrialized countries.
A. I and II
B. II only
C. III only
D. I and III
21. Teacher R, a science teacher, makes sure all eyes are on her as she demonstrates the proper behavior for lighting a Bunsen burner. Whose theory supports Teacher R's practice?
A. Vygotsky's
B. Glasser's
C. Piaget's
D. Bandura's
22. Which should you use more if you want to counteract the spirit of destructive competition among your students?
A. community involvement projects
B. listening activities
C. self-evaluation activities
D. concept miming
23. When curriculum content is fairly distributed in each area of discipline, this means that the curriculum is _____.
A. sequenced
B. balanced
C. integrated
D. continued
24. Teacher B discovered that her pupils are weak in comprehension. To further determine in which particular skills her pupils are weak which test should Teacher B give?
A. Aptitude Test
B. Placement Test
C. Diagnostic Test
D. Standardized Test
25. In constructing test items the teacher considers the alignment of _____ with assessment.
A. content and process
B. monitoring and evaluation
C. instructional objectives
D. instructional materials
26. Teacher B wanted her students to learn the electoral process in action. So, they stimulate a copy of the real thing completed with coming up with their own qualification of candidates, manner of campaigning, and canvassing of votes. With this, the students learned from _____.
A. contrived experiences
B. direct experiences
C. purposeful experience
D. demonstration
27. The Education Act of 1982 categorically states that it is a teacher's _____ to refrain from making deductions in scholastic ratings for acts that are clearly not manifestations of poor scholarship.
A. obligation
B. right
C. prerogative
D. responsibility
28. Research on teacher-effectiveness practices has shown that _____.
A. directions should be few and best delivered in a casual manner
B. planning has little impact on student learning
C. questioning strategies are ineffective monitoring techniques
D. teaching procedures on classroom routines early in the school year are essential
29. A student with a percentile score of 80 means that the student scored _____.
A. higher than 80% of the members of the group
B. better, relative to the competencies targeted
C. high in all the skills being tested
D. 80% of the specified content
30. With a computer, you can organize information about trees and planets. Which tool should you use?
A. spreadsheet
B. database
C. word processing
D. desktop publishing
31. Which of the following is a right granted to parents as provided in B. P. 232, Sec. 8:1¬2?
A. The right to receive, through primarily competent instruction, relevant quality education in line with national goals and conducive to their full development as persons with human dignity.
B. The right to free expression of opinion and suggestions and to effective channels of communications with appropriate academic and administrative bodies of the school or institution.
C. The right to organize themselves and/or with teachers for the purpose of providing a forum for the discussion of matters relating to the school programs.
D. The right of institutions of higher learning top determines on academic grounds that shall be admitted to study, who may teach, and what shall be the subject of the study and research.
32. Which of these are the two most important knowledge and skills that a teacher needs to be able to provide teaching-learning opportunities that develop problem solving and higher order thinking abilities?
I. designing, planning, implementing, documenting, and reviewing learning experiences.
II. impact of cultural, social, and political influences in education.
III. meta-cognitive processes
IV. methods of identifying students' learning needs
A. III and IV
B. II and III
C. I and III
D. I and IV
33. Bruner's theory on intellectual development moves from enactive to iconic and symbolic stages. Applying Bruner's how should you teach?
A. Begin with the concrete.
B. Begin with the abstract.
C. Be interactive in approach.
D. Do direct instruction.
34. When asked about her order, a little girl tells the waiter " 'yong kagaya kahapon." With Piaget's theory in mind, what is the little girl's behavior called?
A. pre-operational egocentrism
B. conservation
C. reversibility
D. transudative reasoning
35. If one asked to develop himself to the fullest, what need is he trying to satisfy according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
A. Safety needs
B. Belongingness
C. Physiological needs
D. Self-actualization
36. Which is the most reliable tool of seeing the development in your pupils' ability to write?
A. portfolio assessment
B. scoring rubric
C. interview of pupils
D. self-assessment
37. Article XIII of the Code of Ethics stipulates that the evaluation of the learner's work should be based on merit and quality of academic _____.
A. marks
B. evaluation
C. performance
D. results
38. Which is a classroom application of Vygotsky's idea of scaffolding?
A. Give the learner the necessary assistance until she can be on her own.
B. From the start, leave the learner to herself because she has the power for self-learning.
C. Don't spoil the learner by doing what she ought to do.
D. Give the learner a task that challenges her ability.
39. At the preoperational stage of Piaget's cognitive development theory, the child can see only his point of view and assumes that everyone also has the same view as his. What is this tendency called?
A. transductive reasoning
B. animism
C. egocentrism
D. conservatism
40. The adoption of national language directed by the Philippine Constitution is designed primarily to _____.
A. facilitate communication among diverse linguistic groups
B. do away from colonial mentality
C. officially adopt Tagalog as national language
D. counteract elitism
41. The Department of Education directed that the lowest passing grade is _____% and the lowest failing grade is _____% in the report card.
A. 70 - 60
B. 75 - 70
C. 75 - 65
D. 70 -50
42. If you use Pygmallion effect to explain why children coming from depressed areas cannot read, to which do you attribute the poor reading performance of this particular group of children?
A. poor expectation from depressed areas
B. lack of motivation
C. ineffective teaching methods
D. lack of reading materials
43. Student R gave a wrong answer. Teacher W said "Wrong! You are way off." As a consequence other students in the class were afraid to answer questions. Which of the following is illustrated by the event?
A. ripple effect
B. halo effect
C. severity error
D. central tendency error
44. Which is a selective reading technique meant at getting important facts very fast?
A. silent reading
B. skim reading
C. oral reading
D. scanning
45. Ask to do a learning task, Joe hesitates and says "Mahirap. Ayaw ko. 'Di ko kaya!" (It's difficult. I don't like it. I can't do it.) To which factor can you attribute his perceived inability to perform the task? To a factor _____.
I. within him
II. outside his control
III. which is stable
IV. within his control
A. I and IV
B. II and III
C. I only
D. IV only
46. You were assigned to handle a multi-grade class. What instructional materials must be utilized to provide for the needs of each level?
A. differentiated materials to cater to different levels
B. multi-sensory materials
C. colorful, useful, and durable materials
D. materials of high level thinking skills
47. What is the initial step that a homeroom adviser must do at the beginning of the class?
A. Get to know each member of the class.
B. Prepare a seat plan.
C. Secure the class list.
D. Memorize the names of the students.
48. Having a mock presidential election, complete with debates, discussion of issues, and voting, teaches students ______.
A. the decision-making process
B. the skill to win in debates
C. the art of winning in an election
D. the skill to persuade
49. Teacher R observed that one of her students excels in activities requiring strength, speed, flexibility, balance, and hand-eye coordination. According to H. Gardner, such natural intelligence can be identified as _____.
A. bodily-kinesthetic
B. intrapersonal
C. interpersonal
D. verbal-linguistic
50. The search for related literature by accessing several databases by the use of a telephone line to connect a computer library with other computers that have database is termed _____.
A. compact disc search
B. manual search
C. on-line search
D. computer search
51. The government’s educational program on _____ made the Philippine Education Placement Test accessible for adults and out¬of¬school¬youth.
A. equitable access
B. quality
C. quality and relevance
D. relevance
52. Ask to do a learning task, Joe hesitates and says "Mahirap. Ayaw ko. 'Di ko kaya!" (It's difficult. I don't like it. I can't do it.) Which drive can motivate him to perform the learning task? The drive to _____.
A. achieve
B. have power
C. affiliate
D. to be free
53. Which one should teacher AVOID to produce an environment conducive for learning?
A. Tests
B. Seat plan
C. Individual competition
D. Games
54. If you are a constructivist, what assumptions about learning and learner govern your thinking?
A. For learners to learn, knowledge should be transmitted directly from teachers to learners.
B. Learners are capable of constructing meaning of what is taught to them.
C. Learners are empty receptacles waiting to be filled.
D. Teachers are the only source of knowledge.
55. To ensure that all Filipino children are functionally literate, which mechanism is meant to reach out to children who come from a barangay without a school?
A. mobile teacher
B. multi-level classroom
C. multi-grade classroom
D. Sine Eskwela
56. Which is an offshoot of the fourth pillar of learning, "learning to live together"?
A. Schools teach respect for diversity.
B. Schools show concern to what happens to children after they leave school.
C. Schools celebrate United Nations Week.
D. Schools teach care for the environment.
57. From the Households and School Matching Survey (HSMS) conducted in 1982, it was found out that school factors have less influence on learning when compared to community and home backround variables. Which is one implication of this finding?
A. The school needs to strengthen its partnership with parents and community.
B. The school must focus on mastery learning.
C. DECS should work for 1:1 child-book ratio.
D. DECS must create more teacher items.
58. Which should you use if you want to teach the human digestive system in such a way that the pupils can manipulate the organs?
A. model of the digestive system
B. realia from medical schools
C. drawing of an artist
D. picture from medical references
59. The strongest disadvantage of the alternate¬ response type of test is _____.
A. the demand for critical thinking
B. the absence of analysis
C. the encouragement of rote memory
D. the high possibility of guessing
60. Which is not part of classroom routines?
A. line formation during recess, lunch, and dismissal
B. passing of papers
C. greeting teachers and classmates
D. studying lessons before, during, and after classes
61. Any deviation from a standard or desired level of performance is a _____.
A. problem
B. gap
C. devotion
D. decision
62. The class of IV - K is tasked to analyze the present population of the different cities and municipalities of the National Capital Region for the last five years. How can they best present their analysis?
A. By means of a table
B. By looking for a pattern
C. By means of a graph
D. By guessing and checking
63. In the context of the theory on multiple intelligence, one weakness of the paper¬pencil test is that _____.
A. it utilizes so much time
B. it puts the non¬ linguistically intelligent at a disadvantage
C. it lacks reliability
D. it is not easy to administer
64. Which of the following belongs to non-projected media?
A. realias
B. flannel boards
C. filmstrips
D. field trips
65. Which measure of central tendency is most reliable when scores are extremely high and low?
A. cannot be identified unless individual scores are given
B. mode
C. mean
D. median
66. Batas Pambansa Blg. 232, Sec. 13:2 provides institutions the freedom to determine on academic grounds that shall be admitted to study, who shall teach, and what shall be the subject and research. This statement means
A. Philippine education provides equal access to cultural opportunities.
B. Philippine education recognizes academic freedom.
C. Philippine education encourages voluntary accreditation.
D. Philippine education accord rights to and imposes duties and obligations upon school administrators or managers.
67. This self-assessment tool which is used nationwide is one of the bases in planning the _____ training of teachers.
A. preservice
B. post-service
C. school-based
D. division-based
68. The test item “Group the following items according to shape” is a thought test item on _____.
A. creating
B. classifying
C. generalizing
D. comparing
69. The old, time-tested methods are also used in classes. Which of the following describes these methods?
I. They are teacher-directed.
II. Mastery of subject matter is of utmost importance.
III. Procedures are well-established.
A. II and III
B. I and II
C. I and III
D. I, II, and III
70. Skinner is known for his theory based upon the notion that learning is a result of change in overt behavior, meaning, an individual responds to events that occur in the environment. This theory came to be known as _____.
A. connectionism
B. stimulus-response associations
C. classical conditioning
D. operant conditioning
71. A sentence that comes before is missing. How is understanding of a concept shown by learners?
A. by repeating what has been heard
B. by memorizing what has been read
C. both a and b
D. by using and adopting these concepts
72. The introduction of non¬-formal education in life with the Constitution provision on _____.
A. protection of teachers
B. promoting the rights of all citizens to make quality education accessible to all
C. acceptance, affection and achievement
D. affection, ability, attitudes
73. Nita doesn't enjoy writing but can't escape from it. She has to finish it in order to graduate. Greta has always liked to write. She really likes to become a writer because she wants to be a journalist someday. Who is more likely to be more focused on the writing activity and why?
A. Greta, because she is intrinsically motivated.
B. Nita because she is extrinsically motivated.
C. Both, because they are both motivated anyway.
D. It cannot be determined. Motivation fluctuates.
74. J. Bruner taught that curriculum should revisit basic ideas and build on them until the student grasped the full formal concept. Which curriculum is referred to?
A. special curriculum
B. re-structured curriculum
C. basic curriculum
D. hidden curriculum
75. Based on Freud's theory, which operates when a student a classmate at the height of anger?
A. ego alone
B. superego alone
C. Id alone
D. Id and ego interaction
76. Which is not a domain of NCBTS?
A. Learning Environment
B. Alternative Learning
C. Diversity of Learners
D. Social Regard for Learning
77. Which of these statements reflects best active learning?
A. "I hear and I forget; I see and I remember; I do and I understand."
B. "I became interested in the school, I feel it is my school now."
C. "I need more support, a network from which I could learn."
D. "I have found that one key to student development is providing criteria for performance."
78. The facility index of a test item is .50. This means that the test item is _____.
A. valid
B. moderate in difficulty
C. very easy
D. reliable
79. Which graphic organizer is most fit for sequencing?
A. hierarchy diagram
B. Venn diagram
C. flow chart
D. double cell diagram
80. Scoring guides for rating open-ended questions are called _____.
A. outputs
B. outcomes
C. rubrics
D. scales
81. "Do not cheat. Cheating does not pay. If you do, you cheat yourself." says the voiceless voice from within you. In the context of Freud's theory, which is at work
A. id alone
B. superego alone
C. ego alone
D. Id and ego interaction
82. Which is a graphic representation of numerical data?
A. histogram
B. attribute wheel
C. Venn diagram
D. spider map
83. After the holidays, there was much chatter and sharing of stories in class. You are confronted with behavioral management. You have a well-planned lesson which you cannot start. What is the best strategy for the class to settle down so you can start the lesson?
A. Give the class 10 minutes to share how they spent the holidays.
B. Ask the students what their New Year's resolutions are.
C. Give the students 10 minutes to write a paragraph on their New Year's resolution.
D. Give a 10-item test to keep them quiet.
84. High levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, inhibits learning. What is an implication of this in the teaching-learning process?
A. Teachers should be non-threatening in their ways.
B. Avoid quizzes and tests.
C. Never raise your voice.
D. Do not give assignments.
85. Which is ethical for a teacher to do in a situation where he/she falls in love with a student or when a student falls in love with his/her teacher?
A. the teacher advises the student to discontinue with his/her studies
B. the teacher resigns from his/her teaching job
C. the teacher avoids that learner
D. the teacher exercises discretion to avoid scandal and gossip and preferential treatment of that learner
86. If you want to hone your students' metacognitive ability, which is most fit?
A. drill for mastery
B. journal writing
C. debate
D. brainstorming
87. The principle of leaner _____ makes assessment a shared responsibility with the teacher.
A. perfromance
B. accountability
C. responsibility
D. evaluation
88. Which of the following assessment tools would you recommend if one should adhere to constructivist theory of learning?
I. Constructed response test
II. Performance test
III. Checklist of a motor screening test
IV. Observation test
A. I and II
B. II and III
C. I, II, and III
D. I, II, and IV
89. Which technique in cooperative learning is used when new information is divided equally among all group members and each student teaches his or her portion to the other group members?
A. round table
B. think-pair-share
C. round robin
D. jigsaw
90. Which of the following is the most important contribution of Gestalt psychology to the theories of learning?
A. Use of multimedia approaches
B. Importance of the reinforcement in the learning process
C. Cognitive insight
D. Concept of readiness in learning
91. John Dewey's major contributions to the sociological foundations of education are the following. Which is an exception?
A. School is a continuation of home; activities at home continue at school.
B. Education is a social process beginning unconsciously at birth.
C. "True Education" is transmission of knowledge from the teacher to the learner.
D. Facilitating education means being aware of the social condition of the learners.
92. NSAT and NEAT results are interpreted against set mastery level. This means that NSAT and NEAT fall under?
A. criterion¬reference test
B. intelligence test
C. aptitude test
D. norm¬reference test
93. A child who is cold towards the people around him might have failed to attain what basic goal based on Erikson’s theory on psychological development?
A. Autonomy
B. Initiative
C. Trust
D. Mistrust
94. What is referred to as the "looking glass self" of Cooley?
A. It is how I look at myself through the eyes of others.
B. It is how others look at myself.
C. It is how others affect me.
D. It is how I influence others.
95. Student A is one-¬half standard deviation above the mean of his group in arithmetic and one standard deviation above in spelling. What does this imply?
A. She excels both in spelling and arithmetic.
B. She is better in arithmetic than in spelling.
C. She does not excel in spelling nor in arithmetic.
D. She is better in spelling than in arithmetic.
96. Is it wise to orient our students and parents on our grading system?
A. Yes, so that from the very start, students and their parents know how grades are derived.
B. Yes, but orientation must be only for our immediate customers, the students.
C. No, this will court a lot of complaints later.
D. No, grades and how they are derived are highly confidential.
97. The design of the 2002 Basic Education Curriculum (BEC) is based on the principles that the main sources for contemporary basic education are the expert systems of knowledge and the learner's experience in their context. This shows that the BEC is _____ in orientation.
I. constructivist
II. behaviorist
III. essentialist
A. I and III
B. III only
C. I only
D. I, II, and III
98. Which is the basic principle underpinning the performance-based grading system?
A. It is a tool for improving teaching and learning.
B. It is a tool to determine prerequisite knowledge.
C. It is diagnostic, formative, and summative.
D. It is evaluative and judgmental.
99. A P.E. Teacher wrote this objective in her lesson plan, "To execute the four fundamental dance steps." When observed by the school principal, she was showing her class how to execute the basic dance steps correctly. Why did the teacher use a demonstration method to implement her objective?
A. It is a chance to show the teacher's expertise.
B. It is easier to imitate a teacher who shows the steps.
C. No student knows how to execute the steps.
D. Class time is limited to ask student to execute.
100. How much of the scientific method has your pupils acquired? This is the best measured in their skill to _____.
I. Generate and test hypotheses
II. Critic and evaluate
III. See connectedness of events
A. II and III
B. I and II
C. I only
D. I, II, and III
101. Which is the least exploratory in nature?
A. problem solving
B. inquiry
C. demonstration
D. discovery
102. Teacher R asserts that he needs to make his students get interested in the subject whether they like it or not. This is more the thinking of a/an _____.
A. reconstructionist
B. essentialist
C. perennialist
D. behaviorist
103. Inculcaying the spirit of empathy among learners fulfills which pillar of learning?
A. learning to live together
B. learning to do
C. learning to be
D. learning to know
104. Teacher M sees to it that her classroom is clean and orderly so her pupils will less likely disarrange seats and litter on the floor. On which thought is her action based?
A. behaviorism
B. existentialism
C. progressivism
D. reconstructionism
105. It is equivalent to the average score of the group or class?
A. Mean
B. Median
C. Mode
D. Standard Deviation
106. Which tool should a teacher use if she wants to locate areas which are adversely affecting the performance of a significant number of students?
A. problem checklist
B. self-report technique
C. autobiography
D. cumulative record
107. What theory states that identical instructional environments, methods, and resources may be effective for some learners and ineffective for others because of the differences in the learner's biological and developmental set of characteristics?
A. Learning Style Theory
B. Reading Readiness Theory
C. Multiple Intelligence Theory
D. Emotional Intelligence Theory
108. A student knows that the examination week is approaching, but instead of studying, he chose to spend his time playing computer games. On the examination day itself, He opted to pray for miracles rather than studying. Which attitude towards religion is displayed? Miracles rather than studying which attitude towards religion is displayed?
A. Religion as Fake
B. Religion as Magic
C. Religion as authentic
D. Religion as real
109. Which is an appropriate way to manage off-task behavior?
A. Make eye contact.
B. Stop your class activity to correct a child who is no longer on task.
C. Move closer to the child.
D. Redirect a child's attention to task and check his progress to make sure he is continuing to work.
110. At the high school level, Kohlberg's advice to teachers is for them to begin discussing with students about abstract principles such as justice and human rights. On the average, in which moral development stage are high school students supposed to be?
A. post conventional stage
B. conventional stage
C. in between conventional and post conventional stage
D. this depends on the school culture
111. Which of the following is NOT a guidance role of the classroom teacher?
A. Psychological Test Administrator
B. Listener¬Adviser
C. Human Potential Discoverer
D. Total Development Facilitator
112. To make the materials highly engaging, what must teachers do?
A. Make the materials interactive.
B. Prepare materials which are easy to make.
C. Create materials which are less costly.
D. Design materials similar to commercial ones.
113. Which are violations of the principle of respect?
I. Teacher A tells her students that what Teacher B taught is wrong.
II. To retaliate, Teacher b advises students not to attend Teacher A's class.
III. Teacher J secretly gives way to special favor to add 2 points to the grade of Student A who is vying for honors.
A. I and II
B. II and III
C. I, II, and III
D. I and III
114. Rodel is very aloof and cold in his relationships with his classmates. Which basic goal must haye not been attained by Rodel during his developmental years, according to Erikson’s theory on psychological development?
A. Autonomy
B. Trust
C. Initiative
D. Generativity
115. Which statement on test result interpretation is CORRECT?
A. A raw score by itself is meaningful.
B. A student’s score is a final indication of his ability.
C. The use of statistical technique gives meaning to pupil’s score.
D. Test scores do not in any way reflect teacher’s effectiveness.
116. If the difficulty index of your test item is 0.10, what should you do with this item?
A. Revise it.
B. Reject it.
C. Retain it.
D. Reserve it for another group of pupils.
117. To solve moral ambiguity among us Filipinos, we must _____.
A. excuse ourselves whenever we do wrong
B. blame our government for not doing anything about it
C. be aware and responsible about the problem
D. be comfortable with the present state affairs
118. The Parent-Learning Support System targets the acceptance of the parent's responsibility of educating a child. In attending to this responsibility, which of the following roles of parents should be given priority?
I. as a learner
II. as a child educator
III. as a participant in school activities
IV. as a model for children's development
V. as a provider of home environment conducive to learning
A. V
C. IV and V
D. I and II
119. After a leason on the atom, the students were asked to work on a physical model of the atom to determine learning. Which of the M.I. Is being enhanced?
A. linguistic
B. interpersonal
C. mathematical
D. kinesthetical
120. It is an approach that makes students "think about their thinking". Students get conscious of their thought processes while they are engaged in their cognitive tasks.
A. cognitive
B. constructivist
C. metacognitive
D. reflectivist
121. There is a controversial report that in a certain country, toddlers are disciplined by being beaten, scalded with boiling water, and tied to the chairs for hours. According to the same report, the orphanages limited the number of orphans according to the budget. They did this by selecting children, especially the ugly and naughty ones, and placed them in the "dying room" where they were deliberately left to starve to death. Is this morally right?
A. No, the end does not justify the means.
B. No, the children, no matter how naughty, have basic goodness.
C. Yes, the government cannot afford to maintain crowded orphanages.
D. Yes, the children are naughty anyway and may grow to be undesirable citizens.
122. With which goals of educational institutions as provided for by the Constitution is the development of work skills aligned?
A. To develop moral character
B. To teach the duties of citizenship
C. To inculcate love of country
D. To develop vocational efficiency
123. Essay questions are used in an achievement test when _____.
A. most of the material sampled is factorial information
B. a wide sampling of material is desired
C. originality is a factor in the response
D. little time is available for construction and scoring
124. Research findings showed that student's motivation may vary according to socio-economic background. Which observation can attest to this?
A. Females are more likely than males to earn higher grades.
B. Students from low-income families are among those likely to be at risk of failing and dropping from school.
C. Gifted students are more highly motivated.
D. More boys than girls become underachievers.
125. The developmental focus of the guidance process suggests that it.
A. Follows definite phases and stages
B. Entails much time and effort
C. Is characterized by varied changes
D. Facilitates changes in all aspects
126. A test is considered reliable if _____.
A. it is easy to score
B. it served the purpose for which it is constructed
C. it is consistent and stable
D. it is easy to administer
127. Erikson labeled children who are two years of age as “terrible two” because _____.
A. they are inquisitive
B. they are playful
C. they are sickly
D. they are assertive
128. Which technique is an application of B.F. Skinner's theory on operant conditioning?
A. mastery learning
B. process approach
C. computer-assisted instruction
D. project method
129. Educational institutions’ effort of developing work skills inside the school are aimed at _____.
A. developing moral character
B. inculcating love of country
C. teaching the duties of citizenship
D. developing vocational efficiency
130. You have presented a lesson on animal protective coloration. At the end, you ask if there are any questions. There are none. You can take this to mean _____.
A. your students are not interested in the lesson
B. you need to determine if the students understood everything you presented
C. you need to ask specific questions to elicit responses
D. your students did not understand what you were talking about
131. The teacher performance results provide continual _____ to professional development.
A. support
B. feedback
C. guidance
D. assessment
132. If a student is encouraged to develop himself to the fullest and must satisfy his hierarchy of needs, the highest need to satisfy according to Maslow is _____.
A. belongingness
B. safety
C. psychological need
D. self-actualization
133. To what extent were the objectives of the course met? This is the concern of the process of _____ evaluation.
A. authentic
B. criterion-referenced
C. norm-referenced
D. formative
134. Which of these school practices helps create a positive learnin climate?
A. giving recognition or appreciation for teachers/staff accomplishments
B. giving clear expectations to the academic community
C. encouraging everyone to participate in accomplishing school goals and objectives
D. encouraging only the high performing teachers to apply for promotion
135. What is the purpose of directed reading-thinking activity (DRTA)?
A. to encourage students to model their own thinking
B. to bridge the learning of oral language and written language
C. to increase comprehension and comprehension monitoring by predicting, generating questions, clarifying, and summarizing
D. to encourage students to think about their reading by having them make their predictions, confirm or reject them, and revise their prediction as the story unfolds
136. "Each learner approaches the world in many ways" implies that the learner has different views of what they learn. It implies varied learning styles as well as teaching styles. As a teacher, how would you apply this statement?
A. Review the contents of the lesson.
B. Master one strategy in teaching.
C. Make one standard lesson plan.
D. Provide various activities of learning.
137. It is sound to encourage students to define terms in their own words because _____.
A. defining the terms in their own words helps them memorize the definition faster
B. students remember information better when they mentally process it in some way
C. this is one opportunity to brush up with their English
D. they ought to connect the terms that they learn
138. Each teacher is said to be a trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of the nation and is obliged to transmit to learners such heritage. Which practice helps them fulfill such obligation?
A. Observe continuing professional education and be the best teacher.
B. Teach the latest instructional technology to children.
C. Teach community life and culture worth emulating.
D. Supplant indigenous culture with foreign culture.
139. Test norms are established so that they have basis for _____.
A. computing grades
B. establishing learning goals
C. identifying pupil’s
D. interpreting test results
140. Professionalization of teachers and teaching as promulgated in Presidential Decree No. 1006, defines teaching as profession concerned with classroom institution ______.
A. by teachers on full¬time basis
B. at the tertiary level in both public and private institutions
C. at the elementary and secondary levels in both public and private schools
D. by teachers of permanent status
141. Which of the following indicates a strong negative correlation?
A. -0.75
B. -0.10
C. -0.25
D. -0.15
142. The official title of the Philippine National Anthem is _____.
A. Bayang Magiliw
B. Ang Alab ng Puso
C. Lupang Hinirang
D. Pilipinas kong Mahal
143. Ask to do a learning task, Joe hesitates and says "Mahirap. Ayaw ko. 'Di ko kaya!" (It's difficult. I don't like it. I can't do it.) Is it possible to motivate this type of student?
A. Yes, he can do something with his ability.
B. Yes, he can change the nature of the job.
C. No, it is impossible to motivate a student who himself is not motivated.
D. No, motivation is totally dependent on the student. No person outside him can influence him.
144. Which type of test measures higher order thinking skills?
A. Enumeration
B. Matching
C. Completion
D. Analogy
145. In the context of the six facets of understading cited by Wiggins and McTighe, what is a proof of a student's understanding a principle?
A. repeating the principle given by the teacher
B. applying the principle to solve a problem
C. stating the principle from memory
D. memorizing the principle
146. You want your students to develop the ability to look at a problem from various perspectives, which approach will be more fit?
A. affective approach
B. behaviorist approach
C. modular approach
D. integrative approach
147. What is an application of Vygotsky's idea of scaffolding?
A. Give the learner a task that challenge her ability.
B. From the start, leave the learner to herself because she has the power for self-learning.
C. Don't spoil the learner by doing what she ought to do.
D. Give the learner the necessary assistance until she can be on her own.
148. Instead of assigning our students to discuss how to write a good editorial, ask them to write one for the school organ. Which principle underlies this practice?
A. Promote meaningful connections between classroom subject matter and real-world contexts.
B. Use assignments for instructional and diagnostic purposes.
C. When giving assignments take into account students' development levels.
D. Make assignments challenging.
149. Which are the most important concerns about the use of ICT in instruction?
I. Developing appropriate curriculum materials that allow students to construct meaning and develop knowledge throught the use of ICT
II. Devising strategies to meaningfully integrate technology into the curriculum
III. Using pedagogical skills related to technology
IV. Providing teachers with skills for using software applications
A. I and III
B. II and III
C. III and IV
D. I, II, III, and IV
150. What is the mean of this score distribution: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10?
A. 7
B. 6
C. 8.5
D. 7.5
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mam wala po akong ans. key both prof ed and gen ed salamat po.