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LET Reviewer: MAPEH Part 2


51.To ensure objectivity of scoring in MAPEH, which is necessary?
A. Scoring rubric
B. Scope of the test
C. Table of specification
D. Right minus wrong policy

52. Which is the practical test that we used to do in Physical Education classes?
A. Performance
B. Drill test
C. Product assessment
D. exhibit

53. You want to know if your students in music can now read notes? Which should you use?
A. Performance test
B. Indirect test
C. Product
D. Traditional test

54. You want test your Health student’s mastery of the Basic Food Groups. Which should you use?
A. Authentic test
B. Summative test
C. Formative test
D. Written test

55. Which are the responsibilities of a coach?
I. Developing participants’ physical and psychological fitness of athletes
II. Providing the best possible practical conditions in order to maximize athletes performance
III. Ensure that his/her preferred team perform best
A. I and II
B. II only
C. III only
D. I only

56. Which is/are preventive forms of officiating? Takes two forms.
I. One is helping players to avoid violations.
II. Notifying a player not to continue a foul.
III. Resolving a fight between the teams.
A. I and III
B. I only
C. III only
D. II only

57. What skills are include in sport management?
I. Planning
II. Organizing
III. Directing
IV. Controlling
A. I, II, III and IV
B. I and II
C. II and III
D. I, II and III

58. Which type of tournament format is the easiest and fastest way to declare a winner?
A. Single Elimination
B. Double Elimination
C. Round Robin
D. Double Round Robin

59. If the practices is inversely proportional to number of mistakes committed in choral rendition, this means that the practice was ____ .
A. neutral impact
B. quite long
C. ineffective
D. effective

60. You want to study how much importance schools give to MAPEH as a subject. How will you gather data?
I. Study documents that bear time allotment of subjects
II. Interview teachers and schools heads on their perceptions on the importance of the MAPEH subject
III. Gather data on how many MAPEH related activities are organized
A. III only
B. I, II and III
C. I and II
D. II only

61. In teaching contemporary art you draw connection between art and other subject and important issues I society. Which approach in teaching art is applied?
A. Collaborative
B. Interdisciplinary
C. Contemporary
D. Reflective

62. If in you Art class you are occupied with philosophical discussion such as creating art that questions life and reality, discussion on religion, discussion of good and evil, creating religious art with which of the multiple intelligences are you occupied?
A. Spatial
B. Interpersonal
C. Existential
D. Intrapersonal

63. In your ART class you encourage children to tell you how they feel before the end of the period by sketching smiley or lonely face or whatever is appropriate. You practice caters to which of the multiple intelligence?
A. Existential
B. Intrapersonal
C. Spatial
D. Interpersonal

64. When do the PE students need their bodily-kinesthetic intelligence? When they
A. run kick, throw and catch
B. anticipate trajectories of flying balls
C. discuss game strategy
D. keep score and calculate

65. Which of the multiple intelligence I needed when the PE student orients himself to the playing field?
A. Interpersonal Intelligence
B. Spatial Intelligence
C. Intrapersonal Intelligence
D. Existential intelligence

66. A PE student uses his linguistic intelligence when
A. discusses game strategy, read rule
B. calculates angles of release for throwing and kicking
C. uses rhythm when running
D. work with teammates

67. Which intelligence of the MAPEH student is challenged when he works with other varying skill level and abilities
A. Intrapersonal intelligence
B. Linguistic intelligence
C. Intrapersonal intelligence
D. Interpersonal intelligence

68. In which sense is the K to 12 Curriculum Framework for Health constructivist
I. It is learner-centered
II. It is development appropriate.
III. It connects new learning to prior experience.
A. I, II and III
B. I and III
C. I only
D. II and III only

69. When does the MAPEH teacher employ differentiated instruction?
A. When he makes use of different teaching activities
B. When he allows students to do their own thing
C. When he proposes for homogenous sectioning
D. When he gives attention to the most dominant MI group

70.Health teachers make use of art and music to impart health care messages, Which approach do they?
A. Inquiry-based
B. Integrated
C. Collaborative
D. Problem-based

71. Which practices goes with authentic assessment?
A. Make student play volleyball to determine if they learned how play volleyball
B. Make student recite the do’s and don’t’s of playing volleyball
C. Make student check their own answer after a quiz
D. Make student come up with a flow chart to demonstrate

72. Here is a sample item:
Record your food intake over a period of three days ( at least one of the days needs to be a Saturday or Sunday ). Record what you eat, how much, when, and where. Evaluate your food intake by comparing it to the Dietary Guidelines for Filipinos and Food Guide Pyramid. Determine what nutritional goals you should set based on your evaluate of your food intake and make a plan for reaching those goals.
Which type of assessment task is this?
A. Constructed response
B. Perform task
C. Product
D. Traditional

73. On which should you base your assessment?
A. Learning outcomes
B. Lesson Procedure
C. Content
D. Course syllabus

74. MAPEH is a skill-dominant subject. You expect assessment to be more of the _______ type.
A. authentic
B. traditional
C. practice
D. portfolio

75. You want to assess the attention of this particular learning outcome : draw at least 6 types of lines in art. Which assessment item is aligned to your outcome?
A. Describe the 6 types of lines art work
B. Draw at least 6 types of lines in art work
C. Make an album that show the 6 types of lines in art work
D. Point objects class that show the 6 types of lines

76. Which assessment is referred to as alternative assessment?
A. Indirect
B. Authentic
C. Traditional
D. Performance
77. Here is a learning outcome in the subject Research in MAPEH: apply theories and principle in conducting MAPEH research. Which assessment task is aligned to this learning outcome?
A. The student do Powerpoint presentation on theories and principles conducting research.
B. The student answer written test on theories and principles.
C. The students conduct research and present research report.
D. The student take a test on research.

78. MAPEH as a subject is focused on skills. You will expect assessment to have ______ .
A. more performance test and product
B. less performance test and more product
C. more product and performance test
D. no written test

79. Is the written test part of assessment in MAPEH?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Yes, if MAPEH teacher is highly traditional.
D. It depends on how the MAPEH teacher teach.

80. An effect assessment practice is multidimensional. How is this applied in MAPEH?
A. Assessment sticks to authentic.
B. The written test combines objectives and essay test
C. Assessment is done with the use of varied tools and tasks.
D. Assessment excludes traditional

81. As students I Art advance, they should be able to cite evidence from specific works of an art, such as specific features in a painting, the details of a score or script. As student develop, they should be able to gather and share more evidence to support their understanding; they should notice more n each work, and able to draw on it.
Which principle in teaching Art is explained in the above paragraph?
A. Allowing students to learn with their learning styles
B. Providing Multiple Intelligence-based learning experiences
C. Providing an explicit learning progression in the arts that is developmentally appropriate
D. Providing for more interaction between students and art work

82. Inspire all students without exception to reach their fullest creative potential. On which principle of an art education is this practice anchored?
A. Inclusive education
B. Constructive teaching
C. Integrative education
D. Collaborative teaching
The arts belong to all of us, whether we are old or young, rich or poor. They enrich the lives of people of all races and ethnicities. They communicate to people who speak different language and they bring joy and personal growth into the lives of the people of varying cognitive and physical abilities. If our students are comprehend the human story, then they must have opportunities to learn about how men, women and children all over the world and throughout the age have expressed their ideas and feelings, belief through the arts.

83. According to the paragraph, which is true of art? Are transcends _____ .
I. time
II. culture
III. age
IV. nation’s boundaries
A. I, II, III and IV
B. III and IIV
C. I and II
D. I, II and III

84. Based on the paragraph, what is TRUE of art?
A. Students express themselves through art
B. The arts are essential for non-formal education
C. The arts are essential to the education of all
D. Art is the most relevant to the picture-smart

85. For art education to be development appropriate in the lower grades, art education in the clearly in the early grades should be ____ .
I. Sensory-based
II. Exploratory
III. Playful
IV. Specialized
A. I, II and III
C. I and II
D. III and IV

86. Which illustrates a “spiraling” approach to Arts curriculum?
I. Comprehensive and sequential arts experiences that begin in preschool continue throughout high school to provide the foundation for lifelong learning in the arts.
II. Performing, creating and responding to the art are taught in Senior High School where students are more ready
III. In order to build a knowledge base in the arts, students need repeated exposure to process, content , concepts and question, and the opportunity to solve increasingly challenging problems as their skills grow.
B. I and III
C. I, II and III
D. II and III

“What is did here,” explains Maria, a high school senior, as she points to a complex pattern on the computer screen, “is scan in a weaving that my mother made. The cloth is very old, and the people in our village have been these patterns for centuries. Each design has a meaning. “And now,” she moves the cursor across the screen, “here are photos of my relative. Here’s my mother when she was my age, and her mother, and that’s me in front. I’m trying to compose a picture of all us, three generations, with the designs in the cloth as a unifying element. …
What I like about using the computer is being able to play with the sizes, shape and colors of thing. For instance, I can make myself look transparent and ghostly here and my grandmother look solid and real.”

87. What is the role of the artist ini society as shown by Maria?
I. Innovator
II. Preserve of tradition
III. Critic of art work of earlier generation
A. I and II
B. I, II and III
C. I only
D. II only

88. What does the above paragraph say about art work?
I. Performing, creating, and responding to the arts work?
II. Art work offers students the satisfaction of sharing their ideas talents
III. An artist is both an innovator and a preserves of tradition.
A. I and III
B. II only
C. I, II and III
D. I and III

89. There are four parts to teacher a new skills such as shooting iin basketball. If you teacher the skill, in which order should the four steps come?
I. Instruction
II. Applying
III. Demonstrating
IV. Confirming
A. I, II, II and IV
C. I, II, III and IV
D. III, I, II and IV

90. Of these in teacher a new skill, in which step is the student made to practice the skill in a planned situation to help him/her transfer the learning?
A. Instructing
B. Demonstrating
C. Applying
D. Confirming

91. In which step do you, the PE teacher, give feedback on how successful the student has been?
A. Confirming
B. Demonstrating
C. Instructing
D. Confirming

92. In which step do you, the PE teacher, give feedback on how successful model on how to perform a skill?
A. Confirming
B. Demonstrating
C. Instructing
D. Confirming

93. Which is continuous form of practices which is the best for simple skills? An example would be a rally in badminton where the learner must repeated perform drop shots.
A. Distributed practice
B. Variable practicing
C. Massed practicing
D. Fixed practice

94.Which type of practice is best with discrete, closed skills?
A. Massed practice
B. Variable practice
C. Fixed practice
D. Distributed practice

95. Support you want shooting practicing in football, where you may set up drills and alter the starting position and involvement of defenders. Which type of practice is BEST?
A. Fixed practice
B. Massed practiced
C. Fixed practice
D. Variable practice

96. Which type of practice is the best for difficult, dangerous or fatiguing skills?
A. Massed practice
B. Distributed practice
C. Fixed practice
D. Variable practice

97. If you teach trial jump this is what you intend to do:
The student practices the hop and learn it before he practices the skip and learn it, too; then you link the two. Finally the students will learns the jump individually then tag on the end of the skip

Which method of practice did you apply?
A. Progressive part method
B. Part method
C. Whole method
D. Whole-part-whole method

98. The skill is first demonstrate and then practiced from start to finish. It helps the learner to get a feel for the skill, timings and end product. Which practices method is is described?
A. Progressive part method
B. Part method
C. Whole method
D. Whole-part-whole method

99. Which is best used for fast skills which cannot easily be separated into sub-parts, such as a javelin throw?
A. Whole method
B. Part Method
C. Progressive part method
D. Whole-part-whole method

100. The parts of the skill are practiced in isolation which is useful for complicated and serial skills and is good for maintaining motivating and focusing on specific elements of the skill. Which practiced method is described?
A. Whole-part-whole method
B. Whole method
C. Progressive part method
D. Part method


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